GOLO Lawsuit: Navigating the Complex World of Diet Pill Advertising


Hey there! Today, we’re going to talk about a big lawsuit involving a company called GOLO. GOLO sells diet pills and other products that are supposed to help people lose weight.


But in 2021, a woman named Vincenzza Bubak filed a lawsuit against GOLO. She says that GOLO lied in their ads about what their products can do.

The lawsuit is pretty complicated, but don’t worry – we’ll break it all down in a way that’s easy to understand.

GOLO Lawsuit

GOLO Lawsuit



We’ll go over what the lawsuit is about, what’s happened so far, and what it all means for people who might be thinking about trying GOLO products.

So let’s dive in!

What’s the GOLO Lawsuit All About?

Alright, so here’s the deal with the GOLO lawsuit. Vincenzza Bubak, the woman who filed the lawsuit, says that GOLO made a bunch of false claims in their advertising.

Specifically, the lawsuit focuses on three main issues:

  1. Improper implied disease claims: The lawsuit says that GOLO made it seem like their products could treat medical conditions like insulin resistance, even though they’re not approved for that.
  2. Bad directions for use: Apparently, GOLO didn’t provide clear enough instructions on how to use their products safely and effectively.
  3. Misusing the term “clinically-proven”: GOLO said that their products were “clinically-proven” to work, but the lawsuit argues that their evidence isn’t good enough to back up that claim.

According to the lawsuit, all of these issues add up to “unlawful and unfair business practices” by GOLO. In other words, Bubak and her lawyers think that GOLO broke the law by misleading people about what their products can do.

The Specific Laws at Play

The GOLO lawsuit says that the company violated several California laws, including:

  • The Unfair Competition Law
  • The False Advertising Law
  • The Consumer Legal Remedies Act

It also accuses GOLO of breaching warranties, which is a fancy way of saying that GOLO didn’t live up to the promises it made about its products.

What About the FDA?

Now, you might be wondering: doesn’t the FDA regulate stuff like diet pills? Well, the answer is: kind of, but not in the same way that it regulates prescription drugs.


The FDA doesn’t “approve” supplements like GOLO in advance.

Instead, it’s up to the companies themselves to make sure their products are safe and their claims are truthful.

GOLO even says on its website that it is “not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and has not been evaluated by the FDA.”

The Latest: GOLO Lawsuit Dismissed in 2024

So, what’s the latest news on the GOLO lawsuit? Well, in January 2024, the judge on the case dismissed the lawsuit. This means that, at least for now, the case won’t be moving forward.


Getting a case dismissed this early on is a big win for GOLO. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that the company is totally off the hook. The lawyers for the plaintiff could still try to appeal the decision or file a new lawsuit with different claims.

GOLO is Not Alone: Other Diet Pill Lawsuits

It’s worth noting that GOLO is far from the only company to face legal trouble over its diet products. In recent years, there have been several other high-profile lawsuits involving weight loss pills and supplements. For example:

  • Belviq: This drug was withdrawn in 2020 after the FDA found that it might increase cancer risk. Lawsuits have been filed on behalf of people who took it.
  • Lipozene: In 2020, a company settled a $4.6 million lawsuit that accused it of false advertising about what Lipozene pills could do.

These cases show that the diet industry is facing a lot of scrutiny, and companies need to be careful about the claims they make.

The Bottom Line

Okay, so what does all of this mean for the average person? Here are a few key takeaways:

  1. Be skeptical of bold claims about diet products. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
  2. Don’t assume that a product is safe or effective just because it’s sold OTC. Do your research and talk to a doctor or dietitian before trying any new pill or supplement.
  3. Remember that even if a company uses terms like “clinically proven,” that doesn’t necessarily mean much. Look for high-quality, peer-reviewed studies if you want the most reliable info.
  4. If you feel like a company has misled you, you may have legal options. Consider contacting a lawyer to discuss your situation.
  5. The best way to sustainably lose weight is still the boring stuff: eating well, exercising, getting enough sleep, managing stress, etc. Pills and powders can seem like a quick fix, but they’re rarely the whole answer.

So there you have it! The GOLO lawsuit is a reminder to always be cautious about products that make big promises about health and weight loss. It can be tough to sort through all the noise out there, but arming yourself with good information is the best way to make smart choices for your body and wallet.

I hope this breakdown helps clarify what’s going on with this case. Let me know if you have any other questions – I’m always happy to chat more!


  • Q: What is GOLO exactly?

A: GOLO is a weight loss company that sells supplements and claims they can optimize the body’s ability to control hunger and insulin.

  • Q: Have GOLO products been proven to work?

A: According to the lawsuit, GOLO’s claims that its products are “clinically proven” may not be supported by enough high-quality evidence.

  • Q: Can I still buy GOLO products?

A: As of 2024, GOLO products are still available, but it’s important to do your own research and talk to a doctor rather than relying on advertising claims.

  • Q: Does the lawsuit dismissal mean GOLO did nothing wrong?

A: Not necessarily. The dismissal was an early win for GOLO, but it doesn’t prove they are blameless. More legal action is still possible.

  • Q: What should I do if I think a diet product has harmed me?

A: Talk to your doctor first. Then consider reaching out to a lawyer to discuss your legal options. Be sure to keep any evidence like receipts or medical records.

Key GOLO Lawsuit Issues Lawsuit Allegations
Improper disease claims GOLO implied its products could treat insulin resistance
Inadequate directions GOLO didn’t properly instruct on safe & effective use
Misuse of “clinically proven” Evidence doesn’t meet scientific standards for “clinically proven”

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The GOLO lawsuit is a complex case, but it boils down to accusations of false and misleading advertising.

While the case was dismissed in 2024, it still serves as a reminder to be cautious about bold health claims, especially when it comes to weight loss products.

Always do your research, talk to medical professionals, and prioritize sustainable, science-backed lifestyle changes over quick fixes in a bottle. Your health is too important to risk on iffy products or promises.


Thanks for sticking with me through this deep dive! Let me know if you have any other juicy lawsuit topics you want me to break down in the future.

Until then, stay savvy out there!

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