Agency by Estoppel


Have you ever wondered what happens when someone acts like they have authority to represent another person, but they really don’t? Can the fake “agent” still bind the supposed “principal” to an agreement with an innocent third party? The answer lies in the legal doctrine of agency by estoppel.


This concept protects third parties who reasonably rely on an appearance of authority, even if it turns out to be false.

Agency by Estoppel

Agency by Estoppel


In this blog post, we’ll dive into the ins and outs of agency by estoppel, exploring when it applies, how it differs from other types of agency, and what it means for principals, agents, and third parties.


Get ready for a fascinating journey into the world of unauthorized agents and the legal consequences of creating a misleading impression!

What is Agency by Estoppel?

Have you ever heard of agency by estoppel? It’s a fancy legal term, but don’t worry, I’ll break it down for you in a way that’s easy to understand.

Agency by estoppel happens when someone’s actions make another person believe that a third party has the authority to act on their behalf.

If that other person then makes a deal with the third party because of this belief, the first person is on the hook for the agreement, even if they didn’t actually give the third party permission to represent them.


Why does agency by estoppel exist? It’s all about fairness and justice. The law says that if you make someone think another person is acting as your agent, you can’t later claim they didn’t have authority if the other person relied on your actions and made an agreement because of it.

Here’s a simple example to illustrate how agency by estoppel works:

  • Person A gives some products to Person B and says “Sell these, but don’t go below $10 each.”
  • Person C comes along and haggles with B, getting them to agree to sell the products for $8 each. C doesn’t know about A’s $10 minimum price.
  • Even though B didn’t follow A’s instructions, A is still bound by the $8 deal that C made with B. A can’t get out of it by saying B wasn’t allowed to sell that low.

The key aspects of agency by estoppel are:

  1. Person A’s actions made Person C believe Person B was authorized to represent them
  2. Person C relied on that belief and made an agreement with Person B
  3. It would be unfair to let Person A deny Person B’s authority after the fact

So in a nutshell, agency by estoppel protects people who innocently rely on the appearance of an agency relationship. It stops the principal from claiming the agent wasn’t authorized after the third party has already entered into an agreement on that basis.

Real-Life Court Cases Involving Agency by Estoppel

To really understand how agency by estoppel plays out, it helps to look at some actual legal battles.


Here are a few interesting cases that illustrate this concept:

Kashinath Das v. Nisakar Rout (1962)

  • A was the owner of some land.
  • An appointed B as the Tahsildar to manage the land.
  • A told potential buyers to talk to B if they wanted to purchase the land.
  • B went ahead and sold the land.
  • Later, A tried to claim B wasn’t authorized to make the sale.
  • But the court said no dice – agency by estoppel prevented A from going back on their word since they referred buyers to B.

Govt. of Goa v. Goa Urban Cooperative Bank (2010)

  • An agent caused some harm to a third party while carrying out work on behalf of the principal.
  • The principal said “not my problem, I didn’t authorize the agent to act carelessly”.
  • But the Bombay High Court ruled that the principal was liable for the agent’s negligence.
  • The court’s reasoning was that the principal chose that agent, so they bear the risk if the agent messes up while doing their job.

United India Periodicals Pvt. Ltd v. CMYK Printech Ltd. (2018)

  • A principal denied an agent’s authority to agree.
  • The third party had reasonably believed the agent was authorized based on the principal’s conduct.
  • The Delhi High Court said the principal was bound by the agent’s actions due to agency by estoppel.
  • Even though the agent didn’t have express authority, the principal’s actions created an appearance of authority that the third party relied on.
Case Key Points
Kashinath Das v. Nisakar Rout Principal referred buyers to agent, so they were estopped from denying agent’s authority to sell
Govt. of Goa v. Goa Urban Cooperative Bank Principal liable for harm caused by agent’s negligence while on the job, even without authorizing negligence
United India Periodicals v. CMYK Printech Principal bound by unauthorized agreement made by agent, since principal’s conduct created appearance of authority

These court decisions show that principals can be held responsible for agreements made by agents, even unauthorized ones, if the principal’s actions created a reasonable belief in the agent’s authority.

It’s a way of ensuring fairness for third parties who relied in good faith on the principal’s implied grant of authority.

Special Characteristics of Agency by Estoppel

So what makes agency by estoppel different from other types of agency? Let’s break down some of its unique traits:


Limited Liability for the Principal

  • In agency by estoppel, the principal’s liability is usually limited to the losses caused by relying on the false appearance of authority.
  • They’re not on the hook for the full expected profit from the agreement.
  • This is different from authorized agency, where the principal owes full contractual damages if they breach the agreement made by their agent.

No Retroactive Fix for Invalid Agreements

  • Let’s say an agent makes an agreement that’s invalid or illegal on the principal’s behalf.
  • Even if agency by estoppel applies, it doesn’t magically make that invalid agreement enforceable against the principal.
  • The principal might owe reliance damages to the third party, but they don’t have to perform the invalid agreement itself.

One-Way Street

  • Agency by estoppel binds the principal, but not the third party.
  • The principal can’t use it to force the third party to uphold their end of the unauthorized bargain.
  • As the Calcutta High Court said in Rohtas Industries Ltd. v. Maharaja of Kasimbasar China Clays Mines, the third party can walk away and just collect reliance damages from the principal.

Reasonable Belief is Required

  • The third party has to believe the agent was authorized.
  • And that belief has to be reasonable based on the principal’s conduct.
  • The principal is not bound if the third party knew the agent was acting without authority.
  • So agency by estoppel requires the third party to innocently rely on the appearance of authority in good faith.

These special features mean that agency by estoppel is a unique creature. It balances the interests of principals and third parties by:

  1. Protecting innocent third parties who reasonably relied on the agent’s apparent authority.
  2. Limiting the principal’s liability compared to authorized agency agreements.
  3. Refusing to enforce invalid unauthorized agreements against the principal.
  4. Preventing principals from forcing third parties to perform unauthorized agreements.

Agency by Estoppel vs. Agency by Ratification:

It’s easy to mix up agency by estoppel and agency by ratification. They both involve a principal being bound by unauthorized acts of an agent.

But there are some essential differences:

Agency by Estoppel Agency by Ratification
Arises when principal’s actions create appearance of agent’s authority Arises when principal later approves of agent’s unauthorized actions
Principal doesn’t have to know about agent’s specific unauthorized acts Principal must know about agent’s specific unauthorized acts to ratify them
Agent might have some actual authority, but exceeds it Agent has no actual authority at the time they act
Principal bound because third party reasonably relied on appearance of authority Principal bound once they ratify the unauthorized act, even if third party didn’t rely on agent’s authority

The key distinction is in the principal’s knowledge and intent:

  • For agency by estoppel, the principal unintentionally creates an appearance of authority through their conduct, without necessarily knowing what the agent is doing
  • For agency by ratification, the principal intentionally chooses to authorize the agent’s actions after learning of them

One binds the principal due to the third party’s reasonable reliance, while the other binds the principal due to their own informed approval after the fact.

Examples of Agency by Estoppel

To really hammer home how agency by estoppel works in practice, let’s walk through a couple hypotheticals:

The Careless Cashier

  • Anna owns a small grocery store
  • Anna hires Bobby as a cashier and tells him he can sell up to $100 worth of goods on credit if customers don’t have enough cash
  • Bobby starts letting customers charge $200-$300 to their credit accounts without Anna’s permission
  • Anna finds out after a few months, but she doesn’t tell the customers that Bobby wasn’t allowed to give them that much credit
  • Now Anna is bound by the credit agreements Bobby made, even though he wasn’t actually authorized to lend that much, because she didn’t correct the customers’ belief that he had authority once she learned what was going on

The Rogue Realtor

  • Carla is a real estate developer selling new homes
  • Carla hires Dan as a realtor and authorizes him to sign sales agreements on her behalf, but only for the listed prices
  • Dan tells a buyer he can give them a $20,000 discount and has them sign the sale agreement at the lower price
  • The buyer had no idea Dan wasn’t allowed to change the price and reasonably thought he was acting as Carla’s agent
  • Even though Dan didn’t have authority to give that discount, Carla is bound by the lower-priced contract
  • The buyer relied on Carla’s representations that Dan was her agent, so she can’t renege on the deal just because Dan exceeded his authority

These examples show how agency by estoppel can bite principals who unintentionally allow an appearance of authority to be created. To avoid this, it’s crucial that principals:

  1. Carefully monitor their agents to catch unauthorized actions quickly
  2. Clearly communicate any limitations on their agents’ authority to third parties
  3. Promptly correct any mistaken beliefs about the scope of their agents’ authority
  4. Vet their agents and hire trustworthy ones, to avoid authority being abused

Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s go over some common questions about agency by estoppel:


What if the principal had no idea the agent was claiming to act on their behalf?

  • Agency by estoppel can still apply even if the principal was totally unaware of the agent’s representations
  • What matters is whether the principal’s own actions created an appearance of authority from the perspective of the third party
  • But if the third party’s belief in the agent’s authority was unreasonable, the principal wouldn’t be bound

Does agency by estoppel mean the fake agent is off the hook?

  • No, the agent can still be liable for exceeding their actual authority
  • The principal could sue the agent for any losses caused by their unauthorized actions
  • And the third party might be able to sue the agent for misrepresenting their authority
  • Agency by estoppel just provides an extra layer of protection for the innocent third party by letting them hold the principal liable too

What if the third party had reason to suspect the agent was acting without authority?

  • If the third party knew or should have known the agent was acting without authority, they can’t use agency by estoppel against the principal
  • The third party’s reliance on the agent’s apparent authority has to be reasonable and in good faith
  • So if there were red flags that the agent was going beyond their authority, the third party might be out of luck

Can agency by estoppel make someone liable for an illegal contract?

  • No, agency by estoppel doesn’t validate agreements that would be illegal or void anyway
  • It can make the principal owe reliance damages for the unauthorized agreement
  • But it doesn’t force the principal to carry out an invalid agreement or promise

The Bottom Line on Agency by Estoppel:

Agency by estoppel is an important concept that pops up in all kinds of business dealings. The key things to remember are:

  • ✅ It protects third parties who reasonably rely on an appearance of an agent’s authority.
  • ✅ It can bind a principal to an unauthorized agreement made by an agent.
  • ✅ The principal’s own actions have to create the false appearance of authority.
  • ✅ The third party’s belief in the agent’s authority must be reasonable and in good faith.
  • ✅ It doesn’t totally validate unauthorized agreements, just makes the principal liable for reliance damages.
  • ✅ An agent might still be personally on the hook for exceeding their actual authority.
  • ✅ Principals need to be proactive in monitoring agents and correcting any false impressions about authority.

The rationale behind agency by estoppel is fairness and prevention of injustice.

The law recognizes that:

  1. Principals are in the best position to control their agents and police their authority.
  2. Third parties can be easily misled by an appearance of authority, even if it’s unintentional.
  3. It would be unfair to leave innocent third parties holding the bag for unauthorized agreements they reasonably relied on.

So in a sense, agency by estoppel shifts some of the risks of unauthorized agency onto the principal. It encourages principals to be vigilant in monitoring their agents’ conduct.

And it ensures that innocent third parties are protected when agents stray beyond the scope of their actual authority.

Of course, agency by estoppel doesn’t give agents a blank check to do whatever they want.

There are limits:

  • The third party’s belief in the agent’s authority has to be reasonable and in good faith.
  • The appearance of authority has to come from the principal’s conduct, not just the agent’s representations.
  • Invalid or illegal agreements are not enforced, the principal just owes reliance damages.
  • The agent can still be personally liable to both the principal and the third party for overstepping their authority.

Agency by estoppel tries to balance the legitimate interests of principals, agents, and third parties. It encourages principals to choose and monitor agents carefully, while providing a safety net for innocent parties who get caught up in an agent’s web of deceit.

By allocating risks and responsibilities in a fair and pragmatic way, agency by estoppel helps maintain integrity and trust in business dealings involving agents.

It’s a sensible doctrine that recognizes the realities of modern commerce and holds principals accountable for the reasonable expectations they create through their agents.

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