Steuart Walton Net Worth, Walmart, Wife, Facts 2024


Hey there! Ever wondered what it’s like to be born into one of the richest families in the world? Well, let’s talk about Steuart Walton.


This guy isn’t just another rich kid – he’s made quite a name for himself in the business world.

Steuart comes from the famous Walton family, you know, the ones who started Walmart. But he’s not just sitting back and enjoying his family’s wealth.

Nope, Steuart’s out there making his mark. He’s a businessman, a lawyer, and even a pilot!


Steuart Walton Net Worth

Steuart Walton Net Worth


[Picture Source:]

In this article, we’re going to dive deep into Steuart Walton’s life. We’ll look at how rich he is, where he came from, what he’s done, and some pretty cool facts about him.

So, buckle up and get ready for an exciting ride into the world of Steuart Walton!


How Rich is Steuart Walton?

Let’s get right to the big question – just how loaded is Steuart Walton? Well, hold onto your hats, folks, because the numbers are pretty mind-blowing.

Steuart Walton’s net worth is estimated to be around $300 million. That’s right, a million with an ‘M’! But here’s the kicker – that’s just his wealth.

Remember, he’s part of the Walton family, one of the richest families in the world. He comes under the list of the top 10 richest lawyers in america, so you can imagine.

To put things in perspective:

  • The Walton family’s total wealth is estimated at over $200 billion
  • They own about 50% of Walmart’s stock
  • Walmart is the world’s largest company by revenue

So while Steuart’s personal $300 million is nothing to sneeze at, it’s just a drop in the ocean of his family’s wealth.

But here’s the thing – Steuart isn’t just sitting on his family’s money. He’s actively involved in business and investing.

He’s a founder of RZC Investments, a private investment firm. This means he’s working to grow his wealth, not just spend it.

Steuart Walton Net Worth

Now, let’s break down Steuart’s net worth a bit more. As we said, it’s about $300 million. But where does this money come from? Let’s take a closer look:

  1. Walmart Stock: A big chunk of Steuart’s wealth comes from his Walmart stock. As a family member, he owns a significant number of shares.
  2. Business Ventures: Steuart’s not just living off his family name. He’s started his businesses too. For example, he founded Game Composites, a company that makes carbon fiber aircraft.
  3. Investments: Through his firm RZC Investments, Steuart invests in various companies. This helps grow his wealth over time.
  4. Salary: As a former director of Walmart, Steuart would have earned a substantial salary.

Here’s a simple breakdown:

Source of Wealth Estimated Value
Walmart Stock $200+ million
Business Ventures $50+ million
Investments $50+ million
Salary & Other Unknown

Remember, these are rough estimates. The exact numbers of Steuart’s wealth aren’t public knowledge. But it gives you an idea of where his money comes from.

Steuart Walton Family Background

Alright, let’s talk about where Steuart comes from. Buckle up, because this family tree is pretty impressive!

  • Grandfather: Sam Walton, the founder of Walmart
  • Grandmother: Helen Walton
  • Father: Jim Walton, one of the richest people in the world
  • Mother: Lynne McNabb Walton

Steuart was born in 1981 in Bentonville, Arkansas. That’s where Walmart started and where its headquarters still are today.


Growing up in the Walton family, Steuart was surrounded by business from a young age.

But here’s the thing – the Waltons aren’t just about making money. They’re big on giving back too. The family is known for its philanthropy, especially in education and environmental causes.

This family background has shaped Steuart’s interests and career.

Some key points about the Walton family:

  • They’re the richest family in America
  • They own about 50% of Walmart’s stock
  • They’re known for being private and avoiding the spotlight
  • The family has a strong tradition of philanthropy

Growing up Walton wasn’t all about money, though. The family has always valued hard work and education. Steuart and his siblings were taught to earn their way, not just rely on the family wealth.

Steuart Walton’s Wife

Now, let’s talk about Steuart’s personal life. In 2019, Steuart tied the knot with Kelly Rohrbach. If that name sounds familiar, it’s because Kelly is a well-known actress and model.

Here are some quick facts about Kelly:

  • Born in 1990 in Greenwich, Connecticut
  • Graduated from Georgetown University in 2012
  • Worked as a model for Sports Illustrated
  • Acted in the 2017 Baywatch movie

Steuart and Kelly’s wedding was a private affair in Florida. They keep their relationship pretty low-key, which fits with the Walton family’s private nature.


It’s interesting to note that both Steuart and Kelly went to Georgetown University, though not at the same time.

They share a background in both education and entertainment – remember, Steuart’s into aviation, which has its kind of showbiz flair!

Where does Steuart Walton live?

So, where does a billionaire choose to call home? For Steuart Walton, the answer might surprise you.

Steuart primarily lives in Bentonville, Arkansas. Yep, the same place where he grew up and where Walmart started.


But don’t think this is some small-town life. Bentonville has grown into a pretty cool place, largely thanks to the Walton family’s influence.

Here’s what’s cool about Bentonville:

  • It’s home to the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, founded by Steuart’s aunt Alice Walton
  • The town has become a hub for mountain biking, something Steuart is passionate about
  • It’s surrounded by beautiful Ozark mountain scenery

But Steuart doesn’t just stay in Arkansas. As a businessman and investor, he travels a lot. Plus, as an avid pilot, he can easily jet off to other places. It’s believed he has homes in other locations too, though details aren’t public.

The choice to live in Bentonville shows something important about Steuart. Despite his wealth, he stays connected to his roots and works to improve his hometown.


Astounding Facts About Steuart Walton

Now, let’s get to the really fun stuff. Steuart Walton isn’t just another rich guy. He’s got some pretty interesting things going on.

Here are some astounding facts about him:

  1. He’s a Pilot: Steuart doesn’t just fly for fun. He founded Game Composites, a company that makes carbon fiber aircraft. Talk about turning your hobby into a business!
  2. Mountain Biking Enthusiast: Steuart is crazy about mountain biking. He’s helped turn Bentonville into a top destination for the sport.
  3. Art Lover: He serves on the board of the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. This world-class museum in little ol’ Bentonville is changing the art scene in middle America.
  4. Space Nerd: Steuart is on the board of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. Looks like his love of flying goes beyond Earth’s atmosphere!
  5. Environmentalist: Through the Walton Family Foundation, Steuart supports various environmental conservation efforts.
  6. Education Advocate: He’s involved in several initiatives to improve education, especially in rural areas.
  7. Tech Investor: Through RZC Investments, Steuart has put money into various tech startups.
  8. Lawyer by Training: Before getting into business, Steuart worked as a lawyer in London and Chile.
  9. Walmart Insider: He served on Walmart’s board of directors, keeping up the family tradition.
  10. Philanthropy Focus: Like the rest of his family, Steuart is big on giving back. He’s involved in numerous charitable causes.

These facts show that Steuart isn’t just about making money. He’s passionate about aviation, art, the environment, and making a positive impact on the world. Pretty cool for a billionaire, right?


So, there you have it – the story of Steuart Walton. From his $300 million net worth to his passion for flying, from his famous family to his down-to-earth lifestyle in Bentonville, Steuart is a pretty interesting guy.


What stands out most about Steuart is how he’s carved his path. Sure, he was born into incredible wealth, but he’s not just sitting back and enjoying it.

He’s started his businesses, supports important causes, and seems genuinely interested in making the world a better place.

Steuart Walton shows us that even when you’re born with every advantage, what matters is what you do with it.

He’s using his wealth and influence to support education, the environment, and the arts. He’s helping to transform his hometown into a cool, modern city. And he’s pursuing his passions, from flying planes to mountain biking.


In the end, Steuart Walton isn’t just a billionaire’s grandson. He’s a businessman, a philanthropist, an adventurer, and a guy who seems to genuinely care about making a positive impact. And that, folks, is pretty darn impressive.

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