Gopal Subramanium Net Worth, Cost Per Appearance, Awards, & More


Gopal Subramanium is a big name in the Indian legal world. He’s known for being super smart and good at his job.


Born in 1958 in Bangalore, India, Gopal has made a name for himself as one of the top lawyers in the country.

He’s not just a regular lawyer – he’s a Senior Advocate at the Supreme Court of India. That’s a big deal!

Gopal’s journey in law has been really interesting. He’s worked on some of the biggest and most important cases in India.


From helping the government to standing up for big companies, Gopal has done it all.

He’s also been a teacher, sharing his knowledge with young lawyers and students.

What makes Gopal special is not just his brain, but also his heart. He cares about doing the right thing and making sure justice is served.

He’s won awards for being an outstanding jurist, which means he’s good at understanding and applying the law.


Gopal Subramanium Net Worth, Cost Per Appearance, Awards, & More

Gopal Subramanium


In this article, we’re going to dive deep into Gopal Subramanium’s life.

We’ll look at how much money he makes, what he’s good at, the big cases he’s worked on, and much more.

If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to be a top lawyer in India, or if you’re just curious about Gopal Subramanium, you’re in the right place. Let’s get started!


Gopal Subramanium Net Worth 2024

Talking about money can be tricky, especially when it comes to lawyers. But let’s try to understand how much Gopal Subramanium might be worth.

  • Estimated Net Worth: While exact figures aren’t public, it’s believed that Gopal Subramanium’s net worth is in the range of ₹50-100 crores (that’s about $6-12 million).
  • Income Sources:
    • Legal fees from high-profile cases
    • Payments for being an arbitrator in big disputes
    • Earnings from lectures and talks
    • Royalties from his books and publications
  • Earnings Per Case: For big cases in the Supreme Court, Gopal can charge anywhere from ₹8 lakhs to ₹15 lakhs per hearing. That’s a lot of money!
  • Yearly Income: It’s estimated that Gopal might earn between ₹10 to ₹13 crores per year.

Remember, these are just estimates. Lawyers like Gopal don’t usually share their exact earnings. But one thing’s for sure – being a top lawyer in India can be very rewarding financially! This is why, he comes under one of the highest paid lawyers in India list.

Who is Gopal Subramanium?

Gopal Subramanium is like a superhero in the world of Indian law. Here’s what you need to know about him:

  • Born: 1958 in Bangalore, India
  • Job: Senior Advocate at the Supreme Court of India
  • Education: Studied law at the University of Delhi
  • Family:
    • Wife: Geeta Subramanium
    • Children: Gauri Subramanium and Giriraj Subramanium

Key Facts:

  • He became a Senior Advocate at a very young age – one of the youngest ever!
  • Served as Solicitor General of India from 2009 to 2011
  • Known for his sharp mind and ability to handle complex cases
  • Has worked on some of the biggest legal cases in India’s history


  • Very smart and knowledgeable about the law
  • Speaks well and can explain complicated things simply
  • Cares about justice and doing what’s right
  • Respected by other lawyers and judges

Gopal isn’t just a lawyer – he’s also a teacher, writer, and thinker. He’s always trying to make the legal system in India better. Many young lawyers look up to him and want to be like him when they grow up in their careers.

What’s He Good At?

Gopal Subramanium is like a jack-of-all-trades in the legal world, but he’s a master of many!

Here’s what he’s good at:


Constitutional Law:

  • Knows the Indian Constitution inside out
  • Can argue complex cases about how the government should work

Criminal Law:

  • Has worked on big criminal cases
  • Good at defending people and also at prosecuting criminals

Commercial Law:

  • Helps big companies with their legal problems
  • Understands complex business deals and contracts


  • Acts as a neutral person to help solve disputes
  • Works on both Indian and international arbitration cases

Public Interest Litigation:

  • Takes on cases that are important for the whole country
  • Fights for people’s rights and social justice

Skills That Make Him Stand Out:

  • Can remember lots of facts and laws
  • Explain difficult legal ideas in simple words
  • Stays calm under pressure in court
  • Thinks quickly on his feet
  • Good at finding creative solutions to problems

Gopal’s not just good at one thing – he’s great at many areas of law. This makes him a go-to person for all kinds of legal issues, from helping the government to fighting for individual rights.

Popular Cases

Gopal Subramanium has been part of some really big and important cases in India. Let’s look at a few that made headlines:


1. 2G Spectrum Case (2010)

  • What it was about: A big scandal about mobile phone licenses
  • Gopal’s role: He represented the government
  • Result: The court canceled 122 licenses, which was a big deal

2. Mumbai Terror Attack Case (2008-2009)

  • What it was about: The terrible terrorist attacks in Mumbai
  • Gopal’s role: He was the special public prosecutor
  • Result: The main accused, Ajmal Kasab, was found guilty

3. Right to Privacy Case (2017)

  • What it was about: Whether privacy is a fundamental right in India
  • Gopal’s role: He argued in favor of privacy rights
  • Result: The court said privacy is a fundamental right – a big win!

4. Sohrabuddin Sheikh Fake Encounter Case (2010)

  • What it was about: A man was killed by the police in a fake encounter
  • Gopal’s role: He investigated the case
  • Result: Several police officers were arrested

5. Novartis Patent Case (2013)

  • What it was about: A big pharma company wanted a patent for a cancer drug
  • Gopal’s role: He represented Novartis
  • Result: The court didn’t give the patent, which was good for cheap medicine in India

These cases show how Gopal has been involved in shaping important laws and decisions in India. From fighting terrorism to protecting people’s rights, he’s done it all!

Charges Per Hearing in Court

Ever wondered how much a top lawyer like Gopal Subramanium charges? Let’s break it down:

Court Charges Per Hearing
Supreme Court ₹8 lakhs to ₹15 lakhs
High Courts ₹5 lakhs to ₹10 lakhs
International Arbitration Can go up to ₹25 lakhs or more

Things to Note:

  • These are estimates – actual charges can vary
  • Big, complex cases might cost more
  • Charges often include preparation time, not just court appearances
  • Some cases might have a fixed fee instead of per-hearing charges

Why So Expensive?

  • Years of experience and expertise
  • High demand for his services
  • Complexity of the cases he handles
  • His reputation and track record of winning

Remember, while these fees might seem high, for big companies or important cases, having a lawyer like Gopal can make a huge difference. It’s like hiring the best doctor when you’re sick – it costs more, but it can be worth it!

Gopal Subramanium Education

Education played a big role in shaping Gopal Subramanium into the legal superstar he is today. Let’s look at his educational journey:

School Days:

  • Studied at St. Xavier’s School, New Delhi
  • Known for being a bright and curious student

College Education:

  • Degree: Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.)
  • University: University of Delhi
  • Year: Graduated in the early 1980s

Higher Education:

  • Degree: Doctor of Laws (Honoris Causa)
  • University: Central University of Orissa
  • What it means: This is an honorary degree given for his contributions to law

Key Points About His Education:

  • Focused on law from an early age
  • Excelled in his studies at Delhi University
  • Continued learning even after becoming a lawyer
  • Values education and often gives lectures at universities

How His Education Helped Him:

  • Built a strong foundation in legal principles
  • Learned how to research and analyze complex issues
  • Developed skills in public speaking and debate
  • Formed connections with other bright legal minds

Gopal’s education didn’t stop with his degree. He’s always learning, reading, and staying updated on new laws and cases. This love for learning has been a big part of his success as a lawyer.

Gopal Subramanium Career Timeline:

Let’s take a walk through Gopal Subramanium’s impressive career:

1980: Started practicing law in the Supreme Court of India

  • Worked under famous lawyers like Soli Sorabjee

1991-1992: Counsel to a judicial commission

  • Investigated security lapses in Rajiv Gandhi’s assassination

1993: Became a Senior Advocate

  • One of the youngest to get this title in the Supreme Court

1993: Prosecuting counsel for CBI

  • Worked on the 1993 Bombay blast case

1994-1995: Counsel to judicial commission

  • Investigated wrongful detentions in Assam

2001: Counsel to Justice K. Ventakatswamy Commission

  • Looked into corruption in defense deals

2005-2009: Additional Solicitor General of India

2009-2011: Solicitor General of India

  • One of the top legal positions in the country

2011: Chairman of Bar Council of India

  • Later resigned to protest a government decision

2013: Member of the Justice Verma Committee

  • Recommended changes to laws about crimes against women

2017: Lead counsel in the Right to Privacy case

  • Helped establish privacy as a fundamental right in India

2019: Elected as Foundation Fellow of Somerville College

  • A big honor for his contributions to law and society

Throughout his career, Gopal has been involved in many more important cases and has held various positions. He’s known for always taking on new challenges and continuing to make a big impact in the legal world.

Gopal Subramanium Lectures

Gopal Subramanium isn’t just a great lawyer – he’s also a fantastic teacher. He gives lectures all over the world, sharing his knowledge with students, lawyers, and the public. Here are some of his famous lectures:

  • “Privacy and its importance in modern world”
    • Where: Faculty of Law, University of Oxford
    • What it’s about: How privacy matters in today’s digital age
  • “The importance of freedom under the constitution”
    • Where: St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai
    • What it’s about: Understanding our rights and freedoms
  • “Article 356 and centre-state relations”
    • Where: National Law University, Delhi
    • What it’s about: How the central and state governments work together
  • “Importance of Law and the Constitution in Political Theory and Practice”
    • Where: University of Delhi
    • What it’s about: How laws and politics are connected
  • “Indian Democracy and Modern Governance”
    • Where: Sastra University
    • What it’s about: How India’s democracy works in today’s world
  • “Democracy and Due Process”
    • Where: Harvard Law School
    • What it’s about: Fair treatment under the law in a democracy
  • “Effectiveness and Limitations of the Judicial System”
    • Where: Aligarh Muslim University
    • What it’s about: What courts can and can’t do
  • “Law, Terrorism and Human Rights”
    • Where: Calcutta High Court
    • What it’s about: Balancing safety and rights in fighting terrorism

These lectures show how Gopal shares his wisdom on many important topics. He helps people understand complex legal ideas in simple ways. Many students and lawyers find his talks inspiring and informative.

Gopal Subramanium Publications:

Gopal Subramanium isn’t just a talker – he’s a writer too! He’s written and helped write many important books and articles about law.

Here are some of his big publications:

  1. “The NJAC Case and Judicial Independence”
    • Part of a book about appointing judges in India
    • Talks about keeping courts independent and fair
  2. “Writs and Remedies”
    • In a big book about India’s Constitution
    • Explains how people can use the law to protect their rights
  3. “Litigation and Civil Procedure”
    • Compares how court cases work in Australia and India
    • Helps lawyers understand different legal systems
  4. “Restatement of Indian Law: Contempt of Court”
    • Co-written with K.K. Venugopal
    • Explains rules about respecting the court
  5. “Supreme but Not Infallible: Essays in Honour of the Supreme Court of India”
    • Helped edit this important book
    • Looks at how India’s top court works and its impact

Why These Publications Matter:

  • They help other lawyers and students learn
  • Show Gopal’s deep understanding of the law
  • Contribute to discussions about improving India’s legal system
  • Are used in law schools and by judges

Gopal’s writings show he’s not just good at practicing law, but also at thinking deeply about it and explaining it to others. His books and articles have helped shape how people understand law in India.

Gopal Subramanium Awards:

Gopal Subramanium’s hard work and brilliance haven’t gone unnoticed. He’s won several awards for his contributions to law. Here are some of his big honors:

  1. National Law Day Award (2009)
    • Given by: President of India
    • For: Being an outstanding jurist (really good lawyer and legal thinker)
    • Why it’s special: It’s one of the highest honors for a lawyer in India
  2. Lifetime Achievement Award
    • Given by: St. Xavier’s School
    • For: His overall contributions to law and society
    • Why it’s special: Recognition from his old school, showing he’s made them proud
  3. Justice P.N. Bhagwati National Award
    • Given by: Capital Foundation
    • For: His work in law and justice
    • Why it’s special: Named after a famous judge, so it’s a big deal in the legal world
  4. Foundation Fellow of Somerville (2019)
    • Given by: Somerville College
    • For: His contributions to law and philanthropy (helping others)
    • Why it’s special: It’s an international recognition, showing he’s respected worldwide

What These Awards Mean:

  • They show that Gopal is respected by his peers and leaders
  • Recognize his hard work over many years
  • Inspire younger lawyers to follow in his footsteps
  • Highlight his impact not just in law, but in society too

These awards are like gold medals in the world of law. They prove that Gopal Subramanium isn’t just good at his job – he’s one of the best in the country, and people look up to him as a role model.



Wow, what a journey we’ve been on exploring the life of Gopal Subramanium! Let’s wrap up what we’ve learned:

  • Who He Is: A top lawyer in India, known for his sharp mind and strong values.
  • What He’s Done: Worked on some of the biggest cases in India, from fighting terrorism to protecting people’s rights.
  • His Impact: Helped shape important laws and decisions that affect all of India.
  • As a Teacher: Gives lectures that inspire students and lawyers alike.
  • As a Writer: Writes books and articles that help people understand law better.
  • His Achievements: Won many awards showing he’s one of the best in his field.

Why Gopal Subramanium Matters:

  • He shows that with hard work and smarts, you can reach the top of your field.
  • His work has helped make India’s laws fairer and more just.
  • He’s not just a lawyer, but also a teacher and thinker who helps others learn.
  • Even though he’s super successful, he still fights for what’s right.

Gopal Subramanium’s story is inspiring. It shows that being a lawyer isn’t just about making money or winning cases. It’s about making a difference in the world.

Whether you want to be a lawyer or not, we can all learn from his dedication, intelligence, and desire to do what’s right.


So, next time you hear about a big court case in India, remember Gopal Subramanium.

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