Fali Sam Nariman Bio, Cost Per Appearance, Net Worth & More


Fali Sam Nariman was a big name in Indian law. He was good at what he did and people looked up to him.


On February 21, 2024, he passed away at 95 years old. This made a lot of people in India sad because he was so important.

Nariman wasn’t just any lawyer. He was special. People called him the ‘Bhishma Pitaamah’ of Indian law. This means he was like a wise old grandfather to all the lawyers.

He worked for 75 years as a lawyer! That’s a long time. For the last 50 years, he was a Senior Advocate at the Supreme Court. This is a big deal in the law world.


What made Nariman stand out was how brave he was. He always said what he thought was right, even if it wasn’t easy. He was clear when he talked and didn’t try to hide things. This made people respect him a lot.

Nariman didn’t just work on small cases. He worked on really big, important ones. These cases helped shape how laws work in India. He did this for over 70 years! Can you imagine doing anything for that long?

Fali Sam Nariman Bio, Cost Per Appearance, Net Worth & More

Fali Sam Nariman Net Worth


In this article, we’re going to look at who Fali Sam Nariman was, what made him so good at his job, and some of the big cases he worked on. We’ll also talk about how much he charged for his work.


By the end, you’ll see why Fali Sam Nariman was such an important person in Indian law.

Who is Fali Sam Nariman?

Early Life and Education

Fali Sam Nariman was born on January 10, 1929, in Rangoon, Burma (now Myanmar). He came from a Parsi family. Parsis are a small community in India known for being hardworking and smart.

  • Born: January 10, 1929
  • Birthplace: Rangoon, Burma (now Myanmar)
  • Family Background: Parsi

Nariman went to school in Mumbai, India. He studied at Bishop Cotton School in Shimla for a while too. For college, he went to St. Xavier’s College in Mumbai. After that, he studied law at Government Law College, Mumbai.

  • School: Bishop Cotton School, Shimla
  • College: St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai
  • Law School: Government Law College, Mumbai

Start of Legal Career

After finishing his law studies, Nariman started working as a lawyer. He began at the Bombay High Court in 1950. This was just three years after India became independent from British rule.

  • Started as a lawyer: 1950
  • First workplace: Bombay High Court

Rise to Prominence

Nariman wasn’t just any lawyer for long. He quickly became known for being good at his job. In 1971, something big happened. The Supreme Court of India, which is the highest court in the country, made him a Senior Advocate. This is like getting a promotion, but for lawyers.

  • Became Senior Advocate: 1971
  • Appointed by: Supreme Court of India

Government Role

Nariman didn’t just work for private people. He also worked for the government. From 1972 to 1975, he was the Additional Solicitor General of India. This is a very important job. It means he helped represent the government in court cases.

  • Government position: Additional Solicitor General of India
  • Duration: 1972-1975

But something interesting happened in 1975. The government declared an Emergency, which means they took extra powers. Nariman didn’t like this. He thought it wasn’t right. So, he did something brave. He quit his job. This showed that he cared more about what was right than having a big job.

  • Resigned: 1975
  • Reason: Disagreed with Emergency declaration

Personal Life


Nariman was married to Bapsi Nariman. They had a son named Rohinton Nariman. Rohinton followed in his father’s footsteps and became a lawyer too. He even became a judge in the Supreme Court!

  • Wife: Bapsi Nariman
  • Son: Rohinton Nariman (also a lawyer and former Supreme Court judge)

Awards and Honors

People noticed how good Nariman was at his job. He got many awards for his work:

  • Padma Bhushan (1991): This is India’s third-highest civilian award
  • Padma Vibhushan (2007): This is India’s second-highest civilian award
  • Gruber Prize for Justice (2002): This is a big international award



Nariman didn’t just speak in court. He also wrote books. His most famous book is called “Before Memory Fades”. It’s his autobiography, which means it’s a book about his own life.

  • Famous book: “Before Memory Fades” (autobiography)

Fali Sam Nariman Net Worth

When we talk about famous people, many folks are curious about how much money they have. This is called their “net worth.” For Fali Sam Nariman, it’s not easy to give an exact number.

Here’s why:

Why It’s Hard to Know

  • Private Person: Nariman was known for being private about his personal life. He didn’t talk much about money.
  • No Official Records: Unlike celebrities or business people, lawyers don’t usually have their wealth publicly listed.
  • Varied Income: Lawyers can earn different amounts from case to case, making it hard to guess their total wealth.

Estimates and Guesses

While we don’t have an exact number, we can make some educated guesses based on what we know:

  • High-Earning Lawyer: As one of India’s top lawyers, Nariman likely earned a lot of money over his long career.
  • Book Royalties: He wrote books, including his popular autobiography. These would have added to his income.
  • Speaking Engagements: Famous lawyers often get paid to give speeches or lectures.

Possible Range

Based on what other top lawyers in India are thought to be worth, we might guess that Nariman’s net worth could have been:

  • Lower Estimate: ₹50 crore (about $6 million USD)
  • Higher Estimate: ₹200 crore (about $24 million USD)

But remember, these are just guesses!

What’s Important to Remember

While it’s fun to think about how much money someone might have had, it’s not what made Nariman special. Here’s what matters:

  • He cared more about doing the right thing than making money.
  • Many times, he took on cases for free if he thought they were important for society.
  • His real wealth was in his knowledge and how he helped shape India’s laws.

A Different Kind of Rich


Fali Sam Nariman was rich in ways that matter more than money:

  • Rich in respect from others
  • Rich in knowledge about the law
  • Rich in the impact he had on India’s legal system

In the end, while Nariman probably had a lot of money, his true value to India can’t be measured in rupees or dollars. His legacy as a great legal mind and a person of strong principles is worth more than any amount of money. This is why, he comes under one of the highest paid lawyers in India list.

What’s He Good At?

Fali Sam Nariman was known for being good at many areas of law. But there were some things he was especially famous for:

Constitutional Law Expert


Nariman was like a master of India’s Constitution. The Constitution is like a rulebook for how the country should be run. Nariman knew this rulebook inside and out.

  • Deep understanding of the Indian Constitution
  • Could explain complex constitutional issues in simple terms
  • Often called to interpret difficult constitutional questions

International Arbitration

Arbitration is when people solve problems without going to court. Nariman was good at this, especially when it involved different countries.

  • Represented India in international cases
  • Known for a fair and balanced approach
  • Respected by lawyers from many countries

Human Rights Advocate


Nariman cared a lot about people’s rights. He often took cases that helped protect people’s freedoms.

  • Fought for individual liberties
  • Stood up against government overreach
  • Believed in justice for all, regardless of status

Clear Communicator

One thing that made Nariman special was how he talked. He could take complicated legal ideas and explain them so that anyone could understand them.

  • Used simple language to explain complex laws
  • Good at persuading judges with clear arguments
  • Could break down difficult concepts for non-lawyers

Ethical Practice


Nariman was known for being honest and fair. He didn’t just care about winning. He cared about doing what was right.

  • Known for high moral standards
  • Often turned down cases he felt were wrong
  • Respected even by opponents for his integrity

Mentor to Young Lawyers

Nariman didn’t just care about his own work. He helped many young lawyers learn and grow.

  • Guided many who became top lawyers themselves
  • Shared knowledge freely
  • Encouraged ethical practice in new generations of lawyers

Popular Cases

Fali Sam Nariman worked on many big, important cases in his long career. Here are some of the most famous ones:


1. The Second Judges Case (1993)

This case was about how judges should be chosen for the Supreme Court and High Courts.

  • Case name: Supreme Court Advocates-on-Record Association vs. Union of India
  • Date: October 6, 1993
  • What Nariman did: He argued that the Chief Justice of India should have the main say in choosing judges
  • Result: The court agreed with Nariman. This led to the creation of the ‘Collegium system’ for selecting judges

2. The Third Judges Case (1998)

This case further clarified how judges should be appointed.

  • Case name: In Re: Presidential Reference
  • Date: October 28, 1998
  • What Nariman did: He helped explain to the court how the Collegium system should work
  • Result: The court decided that the Chief Justice should consult with four senior judges before recommending new judges

3. NJAC Case (2015)

This case was about a new way the government wanted to appoint judges.

  • Case name: Supreme Court Advocates-on-Record Association & Anr. vs. Union of India
  • Date: October 16, 2015
  • What Nariman did: He argued against the new National Judicial Appointments Commission (NJAC)
  • Result: The court agreed with Nariman and struck down the NJAC Act

4. Bhopal Gas Tragedy Case (1989)

This was about a terrible accident in Bhopal where many people died because of a gas leak.

  • Case name: Union Carbide Corporation vs. Union of India
  • Date: February 14, 1989
  • What Nariman did: He represented Union Carbide and helped reach a settlement
  • Result: Union Carbide agreed to pay $470 million to the victims

5. Cauvery Water Dispute (2018)

This was a long-running case about sharing water between two states in India.

  • Case name: State of Karnataka by its Chief Secretary vs. State of Tamil Nadu by its Chief Secretary & Ors.
  • Date: February 16, 2018
  • What Nariman did: He represented Karnataka for over 30 years in this dispute
  • Result: The case had many turns, but Nariman was praised for his integrity when he refused to argue against a Supreme Court order

These cases show how Nariman worked on really important issues that affected many people and even how the country is run. He wasn’t afraid to take on big challenges and always tried to do what he thought was right.

Charges Per Hearing in Court [Source]

Fali Sam Nariman was one of the top lawyers in India. Because he was so good and so famous, he could charge a lot of money for his work. But it’s important to know that the exact amount he charged isn’t public information.


Lawyers, especially top ones like Nariman, don’t usually share how much they charge.

However, we can give you an idea based on what other top lawyers in India charge:

Estimated Range for Top Lawyers in India

Experience Level Estimated Charge Per Hearing
Junior Lawyers ₹5,000 – ₹30,000
Senior Lawyers ₹50,000 – ₹3,00,000
Top Senior Advocates ₹5,00,000 – ₹25,00,000

Nariman, being one of the most respected and experienced lawyers, would likely have been in the highest range.


Some points to consider:

  • High Demand: Because he was so good, many people wanted him to be their lawyer. This meant he could charge more.
  • Complex Cases: He often worked on very difficult and important cases. These usually cost more.
  • Experience: With over 70 years of experience, his knowledge was very valuable.
  • Reputation: His name alone could make a difference in a case, so people were willing to pay more.

It’s also important to know that:

  • Lawyers like Nariman might charge differently for different types of cases.
  • Sometimes, they might take cases for free if they think it’s really important for society.
  • The charges can include preparation time, not just the time in court.

While we don’t know the exact numbers, it’s safe to say that hiring Fali Sam Nariman would have been very expensive. But for many people and companies, his expertise was worth the high cost.


Fali Sam Nariman was truly a giant in the world of Indian law. His life and career show us what it means to be not just a great lawyer, but a great person.


Key Points to Remember:

  • Long Career: Nariman worked for over 70 years as a lawyer. That’s longer than many people live!
  • Expert in Many Areas: He wasn’t just good at one thing. He knew about many different kinds of law.
  • Fought for What’s Right: Even when it was hard, Nariman stood up for what he believed was right.
  • Helped Shape India’s Laws: The cases he worked on didn’t just help his clients. They helped decide how laws work for everyone in India.
  • Respected by All: Even people who disagreed with him respected how smart and honest he was.
  • Teacher and Guide: He didn’t just care about his own success. He helped many young lawyers learn and grow.

Nariman’s passing is a big loss for India. But the good news is that his work will keep helping people for a long time. The laws he helped shape, the students he taught, and the example he set will continue to make India a better place.

For anyone interested in law, Fali Sam Nariman’s life shows that being a lawyer isn’t just about winning cases or making money. It’s about using your skills to help make the world a fairer place. It’s about standing up for what’s right, even when it’s not easy.

As we remember Fali Sam Nariman, we can all learn from how he lived his life. Whether we’re lawyers or not, we can try to be brave, honest, and always keep learning, just like he did.

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