Charlie Munger Net Worth At the Time of His Death


Charlie Munger, who passed away on November 28, 2023, was a big name in the world of investing. He was one of the richest lawyers in the United States of America.


Munger was famous for being Warren Buffett’s right-hand man at Berkshire Hathaway, a huge company that owns many other businesses.

Munger wasn’t just an investor. He wore many hats. He was a lawyer, helped run big companies, and even designed buildings! But what set him apart was his smart way of thinking about money and business.

He and Buffett worked together for almost 50 years, making Berkshire Hathaway one of the biggest companies in the world.


When Munger died, he was worth a lot of money. But the interesting thing is, he could have been worth even more if he hadn’t given so much away to help others.

Charlie Munger Net Worth

Charlie Munger Net Worth


Pic Credit: New Trader U

Let’s take a closer look at Charlie Munger’s life, his work, and how much money he had when he passed away.


Who is Charlie Munger?

Charlie Munger was born on January 1, 1924, in Omaha, Nebraska. He grew up to become a key figure in the business world. Here are some important things to know about him:

  • Early Life: Munger worked at Warren Buffett’s grandfather’s grocery store as a teenager, but they didn’t meet until much later.
  • Education: He went to the University of Michigan but left to join the Army Air Corps during World War II.
  • Career Start: After the war, Munger went to Harvard Law School and became a lawyer.
  • Meeting Buffett: In 1959, Munger met Warren Buffett, and this meeting changed both their lives.
  • Business Partnership: Munger joined Berkshire Hathaway as vice chairman in 1978.
  • Investment Style: He was known for his “value investing” approach, which means buying good companies at fair prices.
  • Wisdom: Munger was famous for his smart and often funny sayings about business and life.

Munger wasn’t just about making money. He believed in using his wealth to help others. He gave millions of dollars to schools and other good causes. This giving nature was a big part of who Charlie Munger was.

Charlie Munger as Lawyer

Before he became famous for investing, Charlie Munger had a successful career as a lawyer. This part of his life is often overlooked, but it played a big role in shaping his thinking and success. Here’s what you should know about Munger’s legal career:

  • Law School: Munger went to Harvard Law School and graduated in 1948.
  • Early Practice: He started his law firm in Los Angeles called Munger, Tolles & Olson.
  • Real Estate Law: Munger became an expert in real estate law, which helped him later in investing.
  • Legal Thinking: His training as a lawyer taught him how to think clearly and solve complex problems.
  • Business Connections: Through his law practice, Munger met many business people, which helped his investing career.

Munger’s legal background gave him a unique edge in the business world. He could understand complex deals and see potential problems that others might miss. This skill was very useful when he started working with Warren Buffett at Berkshire Hathaway.


Even though Munger became more famous for investing, he never stopped using his legal skills. He often said that thinking like a lawyer helped him make better business decisions. This mix of legal and business knowledge made Munger stand out in the investing world.

What was Charlie Munger’s net worth at the time of his death?

When Charlie Munger passed away on November 28, 2023, he was a very wealthy man. But figuring out exactly how much he was worth isn’t simple. Here’s what we know:

  • Forbes Estimate: Forbes magazine said Munger was worth about $2.6 billion when he died.
  • Main Source of Wealth: Most of Munger’s money came from his shares in Berkshire Hathaway.
  • Comparison to Buffett: While $2.6 billion is a lot, it’s much less than Warren Buffett’s $119.5 billion.
  • Philanthropy Impact: Munger gave away a lot of money during his life, which reduced his net worth.

It’s important to note that Munger could have been much richer if he hadn’t been so generous. He gave away millions of dollars to schools and other causes over the years. This giving greatly reduced his net worth.

Here’s a simple breakdown of Munger’s wealth:

Source of Wealth Estimated Value
Berkshire Hathaway Stock $2.2 billion
Other Investments $0.4 billion
Total Net Worth $2.6 billion

Munger’s wealth shows how successful he was in business. But it’s also important to remember that he didn’t just focus on making money for himself. He used his wealth to help others and make the world better.

How much Berkshire Hathaway stock did Munger hold at the time of his death?

Charlie Munger’s wealth was mostly in Berkshire Hathaway stock. This stock is known for being very expensive per share. Let’s break down how much of this valuable stock Munger owned:

  • Number of Shares: At the time of his death, Munger owned 4,033 shares of Berkshire Hathaway Class A stock.
  • Stock Price: On November 28, 2023, one share of this stock was worth $546,869.
  • Total Value: Munger’s 4,033 shares were worth about $2.2 billion.

This might seem like a lot of money in stock, and it is. But it’s interesting to note that Munger used to own a lot more:

  • In 1996, Munger owned 18,829 shares of Berkshire Hathaway stock.
  • If he had kept all those shares, they would have been worth almost $10.3 billion in 2023.

So, why did Munger have fewer shares when he died? The answer is simple: he gave a lot away. Over the years, Munger donated many of his shares to charity. This shows that he cared more about helping others than just being rich.


Here’s a table showing how Munger’s Berkshire stock holdings changed:

Year Number of Shares Value at 2023 Prices
1996 18,829 $10.3 billion
2023 4,033 $2.2 billion

This big change in the number of shares Munger owned shows how much he believed in giving back to society. Even though he could have been much richer, he chose to use his wealth to make a difference in the world.

Munger’s Legacy at Berkshire Hathaway

Charlie Munger’s impact on Berkshire Hathaway was huge. He worked closely with Warren Buffett for almost 50 years, helping to make Berkshire one of the biggest and most successful companies in the world. Here’s how Munger left his mark:

  1. Partnership with Buffett:
    • Munger and Buffett first met in 1959.
    • Munger became vice chairman of Berkshire in 1978.
    • They worked together for 45 years, until Munger died in 2023.
  2. Change in Investment Strategy:
    • Munger helped shift Berkshire’s focus from buying cheap, struggling companies to buying great companies at fair prices.
    • This new approach led to huge success for Berkshire.
  3. Wesco Financial:
    • Before joining Berkshire, Munger ran Wesco Financial.
    • Berkshire slowly bought Wesco, finally owning all of it in 2011.
    • This brought Munger’s investment skills fully into Berkshire.
  4. Public Face of Berkshire:
    • Munger often appeared with Buffett at Berkshire’s famous annual meetings.
    • He was known for his short, sharp comments, often saying “I have nothing to add” after Buffett spoke.
  5. Wisdom and Advice:
    • Munger’s clever sayings about business and life became famous.
    • His ideas were collected in a book called “Poor Charlie’s Almanack.”
  6. Teaching by Example:
    • Munger showed the value of patience in investing.
    • He famously said, “It takes character to sit with all that cash and to do nothing. I didn’t get to where I am by going after mediocre opportunities.”
  7. Philanthropy:
    • Like Buffett, Munger believed in giving away much of his wealth.
    • He donated millions to universities and other causes.

Munger’s legacy at Berkshire goes beyond just making money. He helped create a culture of smart, patient investing that has influenced many people around the world. His partnership with Buffett showed how two smart people working together can achieve amazing things.


Even after his death, Munger’s ideas and approach to business continue to guide Berkshire Hathaway. The company he helped build remains one of the most respected and valuable in the world, a lasting tribute to Charlie Munger’s wisdom and hard work.


Charlie Munger’s life and career were truly remarkable. From his early days as a lawyer to becoming one of the most respected investors in the world, Munger left a lasting impact on the business world and beyond.

At the time of his death, Munger’s net worth was estimated at $2.6 billion. While this is an enormous sum, it’s important to remember that it could have been much higher if not for Munger’s generous philanthropy.

His decision to give away much of his wealth during his lifetime speaks volumes about his character and values.


Munger’s legacy extends far beyond his wealth. His partnership with Warren Buffett at Berkshire Hathaway helped build one of the most successful companies in history.

His wisdom, often delivered in short, memorable quotes, continues to inspire investors and businesspeople around the world.

Perhaps most importantly, Munger showed that success in business doesn’t have to come at the expense of ethics or generosity. He demonstrated that it’s possible to be incredibly successful while also making the world a better place.

As we remember Charlie Munger, we should focus not just on the wealth he accumulated, but on the wisdom he shared and the example he set. His life reminds us that true success comes from using our talents not just for personal gain, but for the benefit of others as well.

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