Are Car Crashes & PTSD Interlinked?


A car crash never leaves anyone unaffected, physically or emotionally. From bodily bruises to anxiety, the sufferings of accident victims are plentiful.


The sad part is, that you can encounter a car collision despite maintaining all traffic rules, because of another driver’s fault.

Are Car Crashes & PTSD Interlinked?

Are Car Crashes & PTSD Interlinked


Nearly 38,000 people are killed in vehicle crashes in the United States. Other cities, too, witness such crashes.


Let’s look specifically at Arkansas, which, according to the NHTSA, underwent 643 traffic fatalities in 2022.

Close to 415 passengers were counted as vehicle occupants, of which 45% were unrestrained passengers.

The fatalities included accidents caused by speeding and driving under the influence of alcohol. 

It means Arkansas cities, like Rogers too, face car crashes. Other than vehicle damage and physical wounds, they often lead to PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) in victims who need help to recover.


This article will discuss the connection between car accidents and PTSD.

The Link Between Car Accidents and PTSD

PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder) can be categorized as a mental health disorder. It stems from experiencing a stressful or shocking event. It affects almost 3.5 million adults annually.

The collisions can prove to be disturbing. The American Psychological Association once reported that car accidents are one of the prime causes of PTSD.

So what results in PTSD after a car accident? Medical News Today, in a report on July 2024, shared the following reasons while answering this question:

  • Severity and Suddenness

The abrupt, sudden, and sometimes extreme nature of car crashes can result in shock. It can overwhelm you and you might find it tough to get back to your coping mechanisms. The trauma can last for a while and stop you from leading a normal life.

  • Loss of Control

Car accidents happen when you lose control and fail to yield to a traffic warning. It can make you feel totally out of control and defenseless, which can lead to shock and acute stress. It can sustain for a long time, even after the accident, sometimes after the recovery.

  • Losing a Loved One

When a loved one dies in a car crash it can cause acute trauma. The sight of a relative or a family member losing their life in front of you is disturbing. Often, it can lead to nightmares and a lack of sleep, which aggravates your emotional health.

According to news on in July 2024, a 4-year-old girl died in Rogers County after a single-vehicle crash. The OHP (Oklahoma Highway Patrol) declared her dead on arrival at Hillcrest in Claremore because of severe injuries.


It is natural for her family members to develop PTSD after this incident. In such situations, a Rogers car accident attorney can help address legal matters.

Since you and other family members will be in a state of shock after a crash, your lawyer can guide you logically. They can also help you get legally compensated for your losses, sufferings, and ongoing medical expenses.

Symptoms of PTSD After a Car Crash

The symptoms of PTSD can surface soon after a crash. However, according to the Mayo Clinic, sometimes the signs can show up after a couple of months.

Hence, you must keep a check on your health and that of others in your family.


Some of the tell-tell signs are:

  • Intrusive memories can constantly play the accident scene in your mind, even when you try to avoid it. As a result, you might be in a state of stress and anxiety when you step out of the house.
  • Complete avoidance, where you might want to avoid talking about the incident. While that is normal, it is necessary to process this pain and trauma, to get back to the normal way of thinking and behaving.
  • Thought and mood changes make it tough for you to maintain proper connections with friends and family. It can make you feel detached from your loved ones and develop a negative mindset about your life.
  • Changes in emotional and physical reactions that make you feel fearful easily. You might anticipate a state of danger at all times that can cause general anxiety disorder.

If you notice these symptoms, you must seek the help of a therapist before it’s too late. That aside, Keith Law Group also urges you to take legal action to report the matter.

It’s because no injuries caused by crashes should be overlooked, including PTSD. It will help to raise awareness and make people aware of the dangers of rash driving.

Therefore, similar to any other city in Arkansas, even Rogers will have its share of car collisions despite people maintaining all safety measures.


However, it’s necessary to know that people who get saved in an accident can develop PTSD. The same is true for those who are mildly or severely injured.

If you notice the signs of PTSD in you or others, make sure to seek both medical and legal aid as soon as possible.

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