Mukhyamantri Kanya Sumangala Yojana 2024: A Helping Hand for Girls in Uttar Pradesh


Have you ever thought about how hard it can be for girls to get a good start in life? In some places, people still think having a girl child is bad luck.


But the Uttar Pradesh government wants to change this. They started a special plan called the Mukhyamantri Kanya Sumangala Yojana.

This plan gives money to help girls from when they’re born until they finish college.

Mukhyamantri Kanya Sumangala Yojana 2024

Mukhyamantri Kanya Sumangala Yojana


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Let’s talk about this plan in simple words. We’ll learn what it is, who can get it, and how it works.

If you live in Uttar Pradesh and have a daughter, or know someone who does, this information could be very helpful.

What is the Mukhyamantri Kanya Sumangala Yojana?

The Mukhyamantri Kanya Sumangala Yojana is a big name, but it’s just a way to say “Chief Minister’s Girl Child Welfare Scheme”. Here are the main things you need to know:

  • It’s a plan started by the Uttar Pradesh government.
  • The goal is to make life better for girls.
  • It gives money to families with girl children.
  • The total amount given is 25,000 rupees.
  • This money is given in parts as the girl grows up.

Why Did the Government Start This Plan?

The government saw that many people still think having a girl child is not good. They wanted to change this thinking. By giving money to families with girls, they hope to:

  1. Show that girls are valuable
  2. Help girls get a good education
  3. Make sure girls stay healthy
  4. Give girls a better chance in life

Who Can Get This Help?

Not everyone can get this money. There are some rules about who can apply. Let’s look at who can get this help:

  • Only girls from Uttar Pradesh can get this money
  • A family can get help for up to 2 girls
  • If a family adopts girls, they can also get this help
  • The family should not earn more than 3,00,000 rupees in a year

Here’s a simple table to help you understand:

Who Can Get Help Who Cannot Get Help
Girls born in Uttar Pradesh Boys
Girls from families earning less than 3,00,000 rupees per year Girls from other states
Up to 2 girls in a family More than 2 girls in a family (with some exceptions)
Adopted girls (up to 2) Girls from families earning more than 3,00,000 rupees per year

How Much Money Do Girls Get?

The total amount a girl can get is 25,000 rupees. But this money is not given all at once. It’s given in parts as the girl grows up. Here’s how the money is given:

  1. 5,000 rupees when the girl is born
  2. 2,000 rupees when she gets all her baby shots (vaccines) by age 1
  3. 3,000 rupees when she starts first grade in school
  4. 3,000 rupees when she starts sixth grade
  5. 5,000 rupees when she starts ninth grade
  6. 7,000 rupees when she finishes school and starts college or a job course

This way, the girl gets help at different important times in her life.

What Papers Do You Need to Apply?

To apply for this help, you need some important papers. Make sure you have these ready:

  • Aadhaar Card of the girl and her parents
  • Birth Certificate of the girl
  • Proof of where you live (like an electricity bill)
  • Bank Account details (where the money will be sent)
  • A recent photo of the girl
  • Voter ID Card of the parents
  • If the girl is adopted, you need the adoption certificate
  • A working mobile phone number

Having these papers ready will make it easier to apply.

How to Apply for the Kanya Sumangala Yojana?

Applying for this help is not hard, but you need to follow some steps. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Go to the website:
  2. Click on “Citizen Service Portal”
  3. Read the rules carefully
  4. Click “Continue” at the bottom
  5. Fill in all the information asked
  6. You’ll get a code on your phone (OTP) – type it in
  7. Submit the form
  8. You’ll get a User ID and Password – keep these safe
  9. Log in with your User ID and Password
  10. Fill in details about your daughter
  11. Upload all the papers needed
  12. Click “Submit” at the end

If you follow these steps, your application will be done. It’s important to fill in everything correctly.

What If You Need Help?

Sometimes, you might have questions or problems when applying. Don’t worry! The government has set up a special phone number to help. If you need any help, you can call 18008330100. This number is free to call, and someone will be there to answer your questions.

How to Check If You’re Getting the Help?

After you apply, you might want to know if you’re going to get the help. Here’s how you can check:

  1. Go back to the website:
  2. Log in with your User ID and Password
  3. Look for your application
  4. Click on it to see if it’s been approved

It’s a good idea to check this every now and then to see if there’s any news about your application.


Why This Plan is Important?

The Mukhyamantri Kanya Sumangala Yojana is more than just money. It’s about changing how people think about girls. Here’s why this plan matters:

  1. It shows girls are valuable: By giving money to girls, the government is saying that having a daughter is a good thing.
  2. It helps girls study: The money can help pay for school books, uniforms, and other things girls need to study well.
  3. It keeps girls healthy: Some of the money is given when girls get their vaccinations, which helps keep them healthy.
  4. It encourages families to let girls study longer: By giving money when girls reach higher classes, it encourages families to keep their daughters in school.
  5. It helps girls become independent: The final payment is for college or job training, which can help girls start their careers.
  6. It can change old ways of thinking: When people see that having a girl can bring help to the family, they might start valuing girls more.

How Does This Plan Help at Different Stages?

Let’s look at how this plan helps girls as they grow up:

When a Girl is Born

  • The family gets 5,000 rupees
  • This can help buy things the baby needs
  • It makes the family happy to have a girl

In the First Year

  • The family gets 2,000 rupees for vaccinations
  • This keeps the baby girl healthy
  • It teaches families the importance of healthcare

Starting School

  • 3,000 rupees when the girl starts first grade
  • This can buy school supplies and uniforms
  • It shows that a girl’s education is important

Middle School

  • Another 3,000 rupees in sixth grade
  • This can pay for more advanced school needs
  • It encourages families to keep girls in school

High School

  • 5,000 rupees in ninth grade
  • This bigger amount can cover higher education costs
  • It supports girls during an important time in their studies

After School

  • The biggest amount, 7,000 rupees, for college or job training
  • This helps girls take the next big step in life
  • It supports girls in becoming independent

Stories of Girls Who Got Help

To understand how this plan helps, let’s look at some made-up stories based on how the plan works:

  • Aarti’s Story

Aarti was born in a small village in Uttar Pradesh. Her parents were worried about how they would take care of her. But when they got 5,000 rupees from the Kanya Sumangala Yojana, they felt better. They used the money to buy good food and clothes for Aarti. Now, Aarti is healthy and her parents are proud of her.

  • Priya’s Journey to School

Priya’s family didn’t have much money. When she was ready to start school, they wondered if they could afford it. Then they remembered the 3,000 rupees they got from the Yojana. With this money, they bought Priya’s school uniform, books, and a new bag. Priya was so happy to start school with everything she needed.

  • Meera’s Big Dream

Meera always wanted to become a teacher. When she finished school, her family got 7,000 rupees from the Yojana. This money helped Meera join a teaching course. Now, she’s on her way to making her dream come true.

These stories show how the Yojana can make a real difference in girls’ lives.

What People Think About This Plan?

Many people have good things to say about the Kanya Sumangala Yojana:

  • Parents feel supported in raising their daughters
  • Teachers see more girls coming to school and staying longer
  • Doctors are happy that more girls are getting their vaccinations
  • Community leaders notice a change in how people think about girl children

But some people also have ideas to make it better:

  • Some say the money should be more
  • Others think the plan should help more than two girls in a family
  • A few people want the money to be given faster

How does This Plan compare to Other Plans?

The Kanya Sumangala Yojana is not the only plan to help girls. Other states and even the central government have similar plans. Let’s see how this plan is different:

  1. Amount of Money: Some plans give more money, some give less. The Kanya Sumangala Yojana gives a good amount spread over many years.
  2. Who Can Get Help: This plan helps girls from all communities in Uttar Pradesh. Some other plans are only for certain groups.
  3. How Long It Helps: This plan helps from birth to college. Many other plans stop helping earlier.
  4. What It’s For: While some plans only focus on education, this plan helps with health and general welfare too.
  5. How Easy It Is to Get: The online application makes it easier for many people to apply.

What Could Make This Plan Even Better?

While the Kanya Sumangala Yojana is already helping many girls, there are ways it could be even better:

  1. Teach More People About It: Make sure everyone knows about this plan, even in far-off villages.
  2. Make Applying Easier: Help people who don’t know how to use computers to apply.
  3. Give the Money Faster: Try to give the money to families more quickly after they apply.
  4. Check How It’s Working: Regularly see if the plan is helping girls and make changes if needed.
  5. Connect It with Other Help: Link this plan with other government help for education and health.
  6. Help More Girls: Think about helping more than two girls in very poor families.
  7. Add More Support: Maybe add help for things like special coaching or skill training.

How You Can Help Spread the Word?

If you think this plan is good, you can help more people know about it:

  • Tell your friends and family about the Kanya Sumangala Yojana
  • If you know someone who has a baby girl, tell them how to apply
  • Share information about this plan on social media
  • Help people who can’t read or use computers to apply
  • Encourage people to value and educate their daughters

What to Remember?

The Mukhyamantri Kanya Sumangala Yojana is a big step towards making life better for girls in Uttar Pradesh. Here are the main things to remember:

  • It gives 25,000 rupees to help girls from birth to college
  • The money is given in parts as the girl grows up
  • Only families in Uttar Pradesh with less than 3,00,000 rupees yearly income can apply
  • You need papers like an Aadhaar card and birth certificate to apply
  • You can apply online or get help by calling 18008330100
  • This plan aims to change how people think about girls

Some Common Questions People Ask

Many people have questions about this plan. Here are some questions that are asked a lot, with simple answers:

  • Q: How much money does a girl get in total?

A: A girl can get 25,000 rupees in total.

  • Q: When did this plan start?

A: The Uttar Pradesh government started this plan in 2020.

  • Q: Can boys get this help too?

A: No, this plan is only for girls.

  • Q: What if I have twins?

A: If you have twin girls, both can get the help.

  • Q: Do I need to pay any money to apply?

A: No, applying for this help is free.

  • Q: Can I apply if my daughter was born before 2020?

A: You should check with the helpline. The rules might be different for older girls.

  • Q: What if I don’t have a computer to apply online?

A: You can go to a government office or cyber cafe for help in applying.

  • Q: How long does it take to get the money after applying?

A: The time can vary. It’s best to check the status of your application regularly.

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The Mukhyamantri Kanya Sumangala Yojana is more than just a government plan. It’s a way to show that girls are important and valuable. By helping girls with money at different stages of their lives, it gives them a better chance to grow, learn, and succeed.

This plan is a good start, but there’s still more to do. We all need to work together to make sure every girl gets the chance she deserves. Whether you’re a parent, a teacher, or just someone who cares, you can play a part in making life better for girls.

Remember, when we help girls, we’re not just helping them. We’re making our whole society better. Every girl who gets an education stays healthy and follows her dreams making our world a little bit brighter.

So, if you know someone who could benefit from this plan, tell them about it. And if you see a girl working hard to achieve her goals, encourage her. Together, we can make sure every girl has the chance to shine.

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